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Ashes - Sarah Gilman Review: Four stars for Sarah Gilman’s Ashes, a flaming HOT, fascinating read!

ASHES by Sarah Gilman is the first book by this author that I’ve read, but certainly not the last.

The story of the Phoenix, the bird that is reborn time and again from fire, is one that is both fascinating and also the premise of Sarah Gilman’s book. A journalist unknowingly steps into the home of a phoenix who is about to expire. As she leaves, the home explodes and there are some very interesting consequences to her inhaling the ashes.

The phoenix isn’t just any phoenix, but Reece is the king of his species - even if he hasn’t assumed the official role. When he tracks down the journalist, Ambrosia, he discovers that indeed his ashes took root and soon he will be a father.

As the two of them flee a phoenix hunter to the warm Hawaiian Island refuge, they discover that there might be a bit of real passion between the two of them. However humans are considered less than phoenixes in this society and Reece, the king to be, is a pure blood. Certainly there could be no future to find in their mutual passion. Or could there be?

Along the way there’s some inter-phoenix quarrels, some very hot love scenes, and a fascinating look at phoenix culture. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and hope that there will be subsequent books in a series.

Four solid stars to Sarah Gilman’s ASHES , a passionate love affair that flames true!

Fab Fantasy Fiction

I received an eARC from the publisher through NetGalley for use in this review.